Saturday, January 30, 2010


---->>Waiting tensely in the small, single room of the grade five pupils, I could feel the hardly control knot of nervous excitement forming in the guts of Ms. Darrylyn Amoral.
It was the time for her final demonstration.

She started past nine in the morning of Thursday, 28 day of January 2010.Professor Rodante Avila the faculty observer,entered the room. Ms. Darrylyn started her demonstration with a big smile…Her topic was about the solar system,the sun and the eight planets. She prepares a solar system model and lots of activity for the children.She ended her demo teaching with another big smile.
Although it was not a perfect demonstration as to what expected. I personally appreciate the effort she manifested.

At lunch time I and my group mates bought foods at the canteen along the highway, We decided to take our lunch at Ms. Dacer's house.
When it’s already 1:20 in the afternoon we went back to elementary school.We went to another room,the room of Grade III section A.The pupils smiled at us.
Then our cooperating teacher asked for a favor. Together with Kristelle we did our job the silent and oral reading of the pupils. I enjoyed being with them.
After all, it ended with a smile.