Wednesday, January 20, 2010

-->>thE bEginNiNg

I really love this quotation from the movie FORREST GUMP…
“There’s only so much money a man really needs, and the rest is just for showing off.”
‘wHEn I wAs a kiD ---- nOt A tEEnagEr,bUT a kiD --- I dREaMEd oF gROwiNg uP anD bEiNG rEALLy rich.i wAs aLwayS mAkiNG a List oF thE tHiNgs I wANtED tO bUY.As I gOt oLdER,I sTArteD bUYing sOmE OF tHose tHiNgs tHAt I tHOuGhT I HAd tO hAVe.UnfORtUnAteLy,I wAs aLwAys bUYinG sTUfF ThAt I rEaLLy cOULd’t aFFord,Like thE nike sHOes I boUgTh wHEn I wAs 14.i sPeNT eVEry pESo I hAd sAVeD fOr a yEArs oN tHAt sHOes! My SistEr,wENt cRAzy.HeR sHOEs wAs jUsT aN oRdiNArY onE,a sUPer mArkEt sPEcIAL.thE MinUTe sHE sAW mY nike sHOEs,sHE tOok OfF heR sHOes fRoM thE wARdrObe,anD dROppEd iT on ThE biN.nEVEr a Lady ShOrT wORdS,shE aDDed cOmMEntARy tO ThIs onE-LaDy dRAmA WiTH,”Do YoU ReALiZe I cOULd uSEd 100 sHOEs LikE MiNe bEFoRE I SpENt thE kInD oF MOnEy You JuST wAstED?”
AS uSuAL,mOST oF WhAt ShE SaID wENT iN oNE Ear anD oUt thE oTHer.i WIsH I hAd a PESo fOr EVEry wORd oF Her aDviCE that I didN’T LisTeN tO wHEn I wAS yOUngER.i wOUld hAve bEen A MiLLiONAiRe aT13.MaYBe tHEN I COULd HaVE bOUgHt hEr hIS oWn nike SHOEs.
As TIMe wEnT oN,I FiNALLy FiGUrEd oUt wHy I Was bUyiNg sO mAny things.i tHOUght tHEy mAdE me LoOk sUccEssFuL.i didN’t nEEd them,I jUsT wAntEd them.iT tOOk mE 3 YeArs tO UnDeRstAnd thE difference bETwEen nEed anD wAnT,aNd To FinALLy UndERstAnd thE rEAL mEAninG oF sUccESS.
^^[come to think of it!!]