Saturday, August 14, 2010

I may not get to see you as often as I like. I may not get to hold you in my arms all through the night. But deep in my heart I truly know, you're the one that I love, and I can't let you go. But then I know I have to.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Feeling so lost and all alone
I want to bury all the memories
Leave no trace that you ever existed

Maybe then I could sleep at night
Maybe then my eyes will be free…
From all the tears

Don’t want to have to drag this pain with me
Everywhere I go …
I want to be normal again

But everywhere I look is a reminder of you
Of us, of everything we shared.
Why can’t I let you go?
Let your spirit rein
Why cant I smile in reminisce

The scar is too deep
And the emptiness makes me cold
I to feel like I have gone…

Into another world

A world where happiness
Is an obstacle
Laughter a challenge
And complete is almost impossible…

If only I could go on without the thought of you…
Maybe then ill feel what peace is like again!

Friday, July 23, 2010

If I could only control time,i'd go back to the moment when I first met him.not to change anything but to experience it all over again.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Goodbye At Last

Saying goodbye is never easy
It's the hardest thing to do
But what hurts even more
Is not the chance to say it to you.

Yesterday is just a memory
Our laughter was sunny and bright
Then clouds started to gather
For you were no where in sight.

You were my first real love
And this I will never forget
How you left without a warning
No good-byes, my only regret.

Wherever I may be now
Always searching for another so true
To place my world of emotion
Handing my love to someone like you.

If again I must go there
And experience all the pain
I would do it in a minute
For all the good I would gain.

No matter what my wrongs
You offered only love
Until the day you left me
For your new home up above.

I know you still are with me
Your love is within my heart
Though life is no longer present
Our souls will never part.

This is given to you in honor
Of all that we did share
I just wanted you to know, dear,
How much I really did care.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


---->>Waiting tensely in the small, single room of the grade five pupils, I could feel the hardly control knot of nervous excitement forming in the guts of Ms. Darrylyn Amoral.
It was the time for her final demonstration.

She started past nine in the morning of Thursday, 28 day of January 2010.Professor Rodante Avila the faculty observer,entered the room. Ms. Darrylyn started her demonstration with a big smile…Her topic was about the solar system,the sun and the eight planets. She prepares a solar system model and lots of activity for the children.She ended her demo teaching with another big smile.
Although it was not a perfect demonstration as to what expected. I personally appreciate the effort she manifested.

At lunch time I and my group mates bought foods at the canteen along the highway, We decided to take our lunch at Ms. Dacer's house.
When it’s already 1:20 in the afternoon we went back to elementary school.We went to another room,the room of Grade III section A.The pupils smiled at us.
Then our cooperating teacher asked for a favor. Together with Kristelle we did our job the silent and oral reading of the pupils. I enjoyed being with them.
After all, it ended with a smile.


“I am always ready to learn; but I do not always like being taught”
On January 26, our English class was cancelled, We went to Barangay Pansol about 7:30 in the morning,I continue our observation.It was their flag ceremony and everyone is actively participating.After the ceremony,pupils picked the garbage on the ground,then,they proceeded in their respected area.

As I log in to the principal office were in my co-observer chatting. Kristelle and I decided to go to the third grade student, kuya Francis practice his local demonstration and have a dry run in section B. Mrs. Arevalo our cooperating teacher, gave kuya Francis some tips and taught him how to carry out of the lesson well.

After few minutes Sister Mary came for the Christian living, She discuss about the Ash Wednesday to be celebrated this coming February 17, and also the fasting or what we called “ayuno”.

Finally the recess time came.The pupils ate their foods. Kre’ and I ate cup cake and soft drinks. At the other side, kuya Francis was busy doing visual aids.
After the break,the pupils studied Science and Health. Mrs. Arevalo discuss the kinds of soil, which include the sand which is crusher, the clay that is sticky and the silt that is the combination of both. She told that the loam was soft and its best used for gardening, because it have humus which is decaying materials.
The last subject was mathematics and the student did some exercises. The bell rang that signalthe end of the session for the day.
That time, its not just the student learned I also learned something from that experience.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

“Another First Time”

-->>oUr pIx at thE wAitinG sHeD oF thE scHoOL..

__// It was Thursday morning, the twenty first day of January, seems that everything was new, the experienced, place, and even the people and students I met.
On our way to Barangay Pansol.I felt nervous, the same feeling I had during my first time yo observe on the previous school I was assigned to observe last semester.
There I was, on the elementary school in Barangay Pansol, with a lot of strangers. I couldn’t believe I was going to spend my time observing again, with a bunch of kids I didn’t even know. The principal introduced me in the grade three pupils and as well to my cooperating teacher, after few minutes , I find comfortable place for me to sit in, and later on someone entered the room, God!!! Funny, but it was him. An intern senior student. I was lucky enough only to find out that kuya Francis was assigned on that same room too. He was so nice to me, even though he was so busy preparing for his local demonstration. He gave me a sandwich, an oblong shape chocolate, and soft drinks, no wonder why he had that kind of size!! Well, just kidding. All of the interns as well as the rest of the faculty members were so kind. I felt the hospitality…Thanks!!
The bell rang, saying our time is over! My cooperating teacher ended up the session. I went to the shed and waited for my co-observer while having snacks and some sort of stories with the interns. We finally fixed our selves and bid goodbye to them.
It’s a job well done! Another accomplishment and it seems like another first time!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

--{{oUr FS pROf}}---

..."pLz" pOsT cOmMeNT....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

-->>thE bEginNiNg

I really love this quotation from the movie FORREST GUMP…
“There’s only so much money a man really needs, and the rest is just for showing off.”
‘wHEn I wAs a kiD ---- nOt A tEEnagEr,bUT a kiD --- I dREaMEd oF gROwiNg uP anD bEiNG rEALLy rich.i wAs aLwayS mAkiNG a List oF thE tHiNgs I wANtED tO bUY.As I gOt oLdER,I sTArteD bUYing sOmE OF tHose tHiNgs tHAt I tHOuGhT I HAd tO hAVe.UnfORtUnAteLy,I wAs aLwAys bUYinG sTUfF ThAt I rEaLLy cOULd’t aFFord,Like thE nike sHOes I boUgTh wHEn I wAs 14.i sPeNT eVEry pESo I hAd sAVeD fOr a yEArs oN tHAt sHOes! My SistEr,wENt cRAzy.HeR sHOEs wAs jUsT aN oRdiNArY onE,a sUPer mArkEt sPEcIAL.thE MinUTe sHE sAW mY nike sHOEs,sHE tOok OfF heR sHOes fRoM thE wARdrObe,anD dROppEd iT on ThE biN.nEVEr a Lady ShOrT wORdS,shE aDDed cOmMEntARy tO ThIs onE-LaDy dRAmA WiTH,”Do YoU ReALiZe I cOULd uSEd 100 sHOEs LikE MiNe bEFoRE I SpENt thE kInD oF MOnEy You JuST wAstED?”
AS uSuAL,mOST oF WhAt ShE SaID wENT iN oNE Ear anD oUt thE oTHer.i WIsH I hAd a PESo fOr EVEry wORd oF Her aDviCE that I didN’T LisTeN tO wHEn I wAS yOUngER.i wOUld hAve bEen A MiLLiONAiRe aT13.MaYBe tHEN I COULd HaVE bOUgHt hEr hIS oWn nike SHOEs.
As TIMe wEnT oN,I FiNALLy FiGUrEd oUt wHy I Was bUyiNg sO mAny things.i tHOUght tHEy mAdE me LoOk sUccEssFuL.i didN’t nEEd them,I jUsT wAntEd them.iT tOOk mE 3 YeArs tO UnDeRstAnd thE difference bETwEen nEed anD wAnT,aNd To FinALLy UndERstAnd thE rEAL mEAninG oF sUccESS.
^^[come to think of it!!]

Monday, January 18, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

love is never lost

iF yOUr lOvE iS oNly A wiLL tO pOsSEss,iT is nOt lOvE.